Solar panels are widely used in various infrastructure or industrial sectors. Installing solar panels will reduce your electricity bills, making your business more environmentally friendly. In many countries, installing solar panels comes with the advantage of tax credits, rebates and additional benefits. However, just installing solar panels will not be enough, you will need to clean and maintain the solar panels for a specific interval of time. Leading manpower agencies outsource solar panel engineers, contractors and other staff for solar panel maintenance in Dubai, depending on the size of the project. 

Solar Panel Maintenance

Let’s first understand the importance of regular or specific time-based solar panel maintenance services

Increased Efficiency

Solar panels are designed to offer a cost-effective way to generate energy. Businesses may save up to 65% of electricity bills with a 3kw solar panel system. However, if you want to take advantage of this, you need to properly maintain your system. When there is a build-up of dirt on solar panels, then it is difficult to absorb sunlight properly, indicating your systems are not efficient.

When you hire a professional for regular or time-based maintenance, dirt and grime are removed from the solar panel systems which can increase the efficiency by up to 21%.

Early problem detection

Solar panels are not free from problems. Regular upkeep helps to identify the problem in an early stage and you can take necessary steps to resolve the issues quickly. This also helps to prevent the occurrence of major issues since you get the chance to take the necessary steps to solve the problem at the very beginning. 

Moreover, the cost of repairs is comparably low at the early stages than when it becomes a major issue. 

Ensure Safety

Regular solar panel maintenance is required to reduce the risk of fire. Faulty DC isolators and wiring connectors of inverters can result in certain accidents or bigger problems. A faulty solar system can cause a fire. As it goes without saying that solar panels are costly devices, and it can cost you more if they are mishandled. With regular upkeep, you can maintain a high level of safety. Solar panel experts will check your system on a regular basis and make sure there are no damaging signs from water or from corrosion. This undoubtedly offers complete safety to your property and people who work there from all types of risks.

Solar Panel Maintenance Dubai

Proper optimization of power consumption for Solar Panel Maintenance In Dubai

When you hire an expert for solar panel maintenance in Dubai or other cities in the UAE, they can give an estimate of how much you’re saving. They can also guide you on how to improve your system and help you achieve your financial or environmental goals. You can use the electronics during the day and lower your needs from the power grids in the evening. They can also suggest whether you want additional panels for solar energy.

Wrapping up

Euro Emirates Group is a leading manpower outsourcing company that has been outsourcing certified and skilled solar panel contractors, engineers and staff for more than 35 years. Whether you have a large-scale business premise or small-scale infrastructure in Dubai or other cities in the UAE, we can assist you with skilled manpower for solar panel services for both.

Click here to discover more about our services. Or, call us to schedule a consultation!